
redhat 6.3 yum安装 heartbeat-3.0.4 pacemaker-1.1.9 drbd-8.4.3之后,启动heartbeat报错如下:
Starting High-Availability services: Heartbeat failure [rc=6]. Failed.

heartbeat[3925]: 2013/09/04_23:52:47 info: Pacemaker support: respawn
heartbeat[3925]: 2013/09/04_23:52:47 ERROR: Client child command [/usr/lib64/heartbeat/cib] is not executable
heartbeat[3925]: 2013/09/04_23:52:47 ERROR: Directive respawn hacluster /usr/lib64/heartbeat/cib failed
heartbeat[3925]: 2013/09/04_23:52:47 ERROR: Client child command [/usr/lib64/heartbeat/stonithd] is not executable
heartbeat[3925]: 2013/09/04_23:52:47 ERROR: Directive respawn root /usr/lib64/heartbeat/stonithd failed
heartbeat[3925]: 2013/09/04_23:52:47 ERROR: Client child command [/usr/lib64/heartbeat/attrd] is not executable
heartbeat[3925]: 2013/09/04_23:52:47 ERROR: Directive respawn hacluster /usr/lib64/heartbeat/attrd failed
heartbeat[3925]: 2013/09/04_23:52:47 ERROR: Client child command [/usr/lib64/heartbeat/crmd] is not executable
heartbeat[3925]: 2013/09/04_23:52:47 ERROR: Directive respawn hacluster /usr/lib64/heartbeat/crmd failed
heartbeat[3925]: 2013/09/04_23:52:47 WARN: Traditional compression selected. Realtime behavior will likely be impacted(!)
heartbeat[3925]: 2013/09/04_23:52:47 info: See http://linux-ha.org/wiki/Ha.cf#traditional_compression_-_controls_compression_mode for more information.
heartbeat[3925]: 2013/09/04_23:52:47 info: Enabling logging daemon
heartbeat[3925]: 2013/09/04_23:52:47 WARN: Initializing connection to logging daemon failed. Logging daemon may not be running
heartbeat[3925]: 2013/09/04_23:52:47 info: logfile and debug file are those specified in logd config file (default /etc/logd.cf)
heartbeat[3925]: 2013/09/04_23:52:47 ERROR: Heartbeat not started: configuration error.
heartbeat[3925]: 2013/09/04_23:52:47 ERROR: Configuration error, heartbeat not started.
ln -s /usr/libexec/pacemaker/cib /usr/lib64/heartbeat/cib
ln -s /usr/libexec/pacemaker/stonith /usr/lib64/heartbeat/stonithd
ln -s /usr/libexec/pacemaker/attrd /usr/lib64/heartbeat/attrd
ln -s /usr/libexec/pacemaker/crmd /usr/lib64/heartbeat/crmd
一台主机成功,一台主机还是死活报这个错误,不解 啊不解!Anyone else?


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