

ipvsadm -ln只出现如下结果,443的HTTPS服务不见了。。。。。

IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
-> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
FWM 100 rr persistent 100
-> Route 1 0 0
-> Route 1 0 0


serial_no = 87
primary =
service = lvs
heartbeat = 1
heartbeat_port = 539
keepalive = 6
deadtime = 18
network = direct
debug_level = NONE
#monitor_links = 0
#syncdaemon = 0
virtual lvs1 {
active = 1
address = eth0:1
vip_nmask =
fwmark = 100
port = 80
persistent = 100
send = "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
expect = "HTTP"
use_regex = 0
load_monitor = none
scheduler = rr
protocol = tcp
timeout = 6
reentry = 15
quiesce_server = 1
server web1 {
address =
active = 1
weight = 1
server web2 {
address =
active = 1
weight = 1
virtual lvs2 {
active = 1
address = eth0:1
vip_nmask =
fwmark = 100
port = 443
persistent = 100
use_regex = 0
load_monitor = none
scheduler = rr
protocol = tcp
timeout = 6
reentry = 15
quiesce_server = 1
server web1 {
address =
active = 1
weight = 1
server web2 {
address =
active = 1
weight = 1



将fwmark = 100配置成二个不同的值给LVS1和2,无需配port,让其都转发好了,在LVS上面需要设IPTABLES的MARK就好了,转发到相应的虚拟地址上面就行了。

Okay I'm concnived. Let's put it to action.

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